Taking into account the practical and scientific experience in the field of soybean production in Ukraine; the need to increase the level of food security to ensure the health of the people of Ukraine; the need to preserve the environment and prevent the disturbance of the ecological balance in rural areas; current trends of increasing demand on the international market for organic soybeans and their products, Ukragrofin (Ukraine) together with ECOLAND Grains & Legumes (Germany) launched a long-term organic soybean project in Ukraine in 2005 :
Search for the most effective and viable soybean varieties for different agroclimatic zones of Ukraine;
development of effective technologies for cultivation of non-genetically modified soy without the use of chemically synthesized mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products;
production (growing in dynamics) of organic soybeans with a view to their further export and increasing its processing in Ukraine itself.
The project supports Ukrainian farmers and agricultural businesses with the following support:
- Advice, support and training for farmers looking to grow organic soybeans in Ukraine.
- Certification of agricultural enterprises by organic standards.
- Marketing services in the field of European market development authority