On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic Production, Circulation and Labelling of Organic Products

(The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (BVR), 2018, No. 36, Article 275)

{As amended under Law No. 2740-VIII of 06.06.2019, BVR, 2019, No. 28, Article 116}

This Law defines core principles and requirements for organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, principles of legal regulation of organic production, circulation of organic products and functioning of the organic product market, legal fundamentals in the activity of central executive authorities, organic market entities and state policy in these areas.

Section I

Article 1. Definitions

  1. For the purposes of this Law, the following definitions shall apply:

product recall shall mean measures aimed at preventing the distribution, demonstration or offering to consumers of products labelled as organic, not meeting the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

product withdrawal shall mean measures aimed at the operator to return the products sold or transferred to the consumer or available to the consumer and labelled as organic but not meeting the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

hydroponics shall mean a method of growing plants without soil where their roots are placed in a mineral nutrient solution or an inert environment, such as perlite, gravel or mineral wool supplied with the nutrient solution.

State register of operators producing organic products under legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products (hereinafter referred to as the Register of Operators) shall mean an official list of operators carrying out the production of organic products and/or circulation of organic products under the legislation on the organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products contained in the database;

State register of certification bodies in the field of organic production and circulation of organic products (hereinafter referred to as the Register of Certification Bodies) shall mean the official list of certification bodies entitled to carry out certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products contained in the database;

State register of organic seeds and planting material (hereinafter referred to as the Register of Organic Seeds and Planting Material) shall mean the official list of organic seeds and planting material suitable for use following the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products contained in the database;

preparing organic wild plant products shall mean organic production including the collection and partial processing of natural wild vascular plants (including their parts and products of life), seaweeds and fungi at all stages of development for commercial purposes following the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

inspector for organic production and/or circulation of organic products shall mean an official of the certification body who has special knowledge in the relevant branch of organic production and/or circulation of organic products and meets the requirements established by this Law;

labelling shall mean the information about organic products, including the state logo for organic products, affixed to the label, packaging, transport box, container, back label, bottle collar, docket, cork, information sheet or other packaging elements accompanying such products or referring to it following the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

non-organic products shall mean products obtained as a result of non-organic production;

non-organic production shall mean production that does not meet the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

non-organic ingredient shall mean a substance obtained as a result of non-organic production, which is allowed for use in organic production following the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

circulation of organic products shall mean any transfer or storage of organic products for sale, except for the transfer or storage of labelled organic products for sale to the final consumer;

simultaneous production shall mean organic and non-organic production by the same operator of different products;

operator shall mean a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur engaged in the production and/or circulation of products following the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

foreign certification body shall mean an enterprise, institution, organisation or their separate units entitled to carry out certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products following the legal requirements other than those of the Ukrainian legislation, and included in the List of foreign certification bodies;

certification body shall mean an enterprise, institution, organisation or their separate unit, entitled to carry out certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products, and included in the List of certification bodies;

organic aquaculture shall mean the organic production involving artificial rearing, farming and raising of aquaculture objects in compliance with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

organic products shall mean agricultural products, including foodstuffs and fodder, obtained through organic production;

organic winemaking shall mean organic production associated with the manufacture of wine products using special organisational and technological techniques in winemaking;

organic production shall mean certified activities related to the production of agricultural products, including all stages of the technological process, namely primary production (including harvesting), preparation, treatment, mixing and related procedures, filling, packaging, processing, regeneration and other changes of products state), which is carried out in compliance with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

organic seeds and planting material shall mean seeds and planting material propagated under the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

organic crop production shall mean organic production involving the cultivation of crop plants, as well as the preparation of organic wild plant products in compliance with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

organic livestock production shall mean organic production related to the farming, breeding (production) of farm animals (including poultry and insects) and products for the production of animal products;

organic ingredient shall mean any substance obtained through organic production, used in the production of organic foodstuffs and remains in the finished foodstuffs, even in a modified form;

organic fodder shall mean any substance or product, including additives (processed, partially processed or unprocessed), obtained through organic production and intended for animal feed;

organic foodstuffs shall mean a food obtained through organic production;

organic animals shall mean animals (including poultry and insects) bred as a result of organic livestock production;

parallel production shall mean organic and non-organic production of the same product by the same operator;

transition period shall mean the period of transition from the production of non-organic products to the production of organic products subject to the operator’s compliance with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

facilities shall mean constructions or a complex of constructions, premises, buildings, equipment and other means, including vehicles, as well as territory used in the production and/or circulation of organic products;

certificate shall mean documentary confirmation of compliance of organic production and/or circulation of organic products with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, issued by the certification body;

certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products shall mean inspection and establishment of compliance of production and/or circulation of products with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

agricultural products shall mean products (goods) of plant or animal origin that fall under the definition of groups 1–24 according to the Ukrainian Classification of Goods of Foreign Economic Activity;

organic market entities shall mean operators and certification bodies.

  1. Other terms shall be used in this Law in the meanings defined in the laws of Ukraine “On Basic Principles and Requirements for Food Safety and Quality”, “On Aquaculture”, “On Veterinary Medicine”, “On State Oversight of Compliance with the Legislation on Foodstuff, Fodder, Animal By-Products, Animal Health and Welfare”and other legislative acts of Ukraine.

Article 2. Scope of this Law

  1. This Law shall regulate the relations pertaining to the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products being produced, circulated, imported into the customs territory of Ukraine or exported from it under the customs export regime.
  2. This Law shall not apply to the production and circulation of products intended for own consumption, perfumes and cosmetics, medications, hunting and fishing products extracted from the natural environment.

Article 3. Legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. Relations in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products in Ukraine shall be regulated by this Law and regulatory acts issued pursuant thereto, legislation on safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, on state supervision over the observance of the legislation on foodstuffs, animal fodder, by-products of animal origin, animal health and welfare, on plant quarantine, on plant protection, on seed and planting material production, on veterinary medicine, on beekeeping, on aquaculture, on winegrowing and winemaking, on protection and use of flora and fauna, as well as by land, forest, environmental and other special legislation governing the relations in this field.

Section II

Article 4. Rights and obligations of operators

  1. Subject to possessing a certificate, operators shall have the right to:

produce and sell organic products under their own trade name and/or trademark (trademark for goods and services);

entrust the provision of certain services (works), including contract (toll) operations, necessary for organic production and/or circulation of organic products, to a third party, subject to verification of the facilities of such person by the certification body with the consent to be obtained from it.

  1. Operators shall be responsible for compliance with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products within the activities they carry out.
  2. Operators shall be obliged to:

comply with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

recall and/or withdraw their products that do not meet the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, if they are marked with the state logo for organic products or contain such designations and inscriptions as “organic”, “biodynamical”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural”, and any monosyllabic and/or derived words from these words with the prefixes “bio-”, “eco-”, etc. in any language;

to pass the annual certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products to confirm compliance with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

cooperate with certification bodies with which they have concluded a certification agreement, and ensure unimpeded access of inspectors for organic production and/or organic products circulation to their facilities and sampling, as well as to provide the documents required by certification bodies for certification of organic production, including the access to financial documents;

ensure unimpeded access of officials exercising state supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products under the law, for the implementation of state supervision measures, including sampling;

declare the volumes of organic products that are put into circulation;

coordinate the labelling of organic products with the certification body.

  1. This Law may establish other rights and obligations of the operators.

Article 5. Rights and obligations of certification bodies

  1. Certification bodies shall have the right to:

require from the operator documents necessary for certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products;

approve decisions on certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products or the refusal of such certification in case of non-compliance by the operator with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

issue and revoke certificates, temporarily terminate certificates under this Law;

take samples of soil or materials, seeds and planting material, fodder, products, water for laboratory tests.

  1. Certification bodies shall be obliged to:

comply with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

provide information on operators with whom they have concluded a certification agreement and who have passed the certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products, as well as on issued, temporarily suspended and revoked certificates to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, to be recorded into the Register of Operators;

interact with the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, on state supervision (oversight) over the activities of operators and the circulation of organic products on the market;

provide, at the request of the central executive body implementing the state policy in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, documents necessary for state supervision (oversight) over the activities of the certification body for certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products;

carry out annual certification under the certification agreement concluded with the operator.

  1. Information (documents) received by the certification body from operators shall not be subject to disclosure or seizure without the consent of the operators, except in cases provided for by law.
  2. This Law may establish other rights and obligations of the certification bodies.

Section III

Article 6. Core principles and directions of state policy in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. State policy in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be based on the following principles:

rule of law – compliance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, and Ukraine’s international obligations;

parity and equality – ensuring equal opportunities of the operators;

transparency – ensuring free access to information on the development of organic production and circulation of organic products in Ukraine;

coordination – coherence and consistency of long-term strategies, plans and programmes for the development of organic production and the market of organic products in Ukraine;

sustainable development – development of organic production and the market of organic products to meet the needs of the current generation, with regard to the interests of future generations;

impartiality – development of all documents that shape state policies in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, based on actual, achievable and assessable data;

consistency of economic interests of operators, society and the state;

compliance with environmental safety requirements in the field of organic production and/or circulation of organic products;

recognition of freedom of economic activity in the field of organic production and/or circulation of organic products;

freedom to disseminate information on organic production and circulation of organic products.

  1. The directions of state policy in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be:

introduction of innovations, energy- and resource-saving technologies;

development of competition and increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian producers both in domestic and foreign markets;

increasing the volume of exports of organic agricultural products;

development of the domestic market of organic products;

ensuring genetic safety, biological diversity and rational use of natural resources and their reproduction;

control over compliance with legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

humane treatment of animals by providing living conditions for animals that meet their biological, species and individual peculiarities;

ensuring environmental safety during organic production;

creation of a unified system of certification of organic production and/or circulation and state control of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

promotion of organic products;

scientific support of organic production;

establishing responsibility for violations of legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.

Article 7. State regulation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. State regulation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be carried out by means of:

determination of general principles pertaining to organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

establishment of appropriate legal regulation;

improvement of state policy in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

implementation of state supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

coordination of training and retraining of specialists in organic production;

promoting organic production development;

promoting the development of the domestic market of organic products and meeting the needs of consumers related to the range of organic products.

Article 8. State support of organic production and circulation of organic products

  1. State support may be provided to operators within the framework of national and regional programs at the expense and within the scope of expenditures under budget programmes aimed at supporting the development of agricultural producers.

Section IV

Article 9. Executive authorities performing state administration and regulation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. State administration and regulation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, and the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality.

Article 10. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. The powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall include:

ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

determining the main directions of development in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

direction and coordination of the work carried out by the relevant central executive authorities in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

adoption of regulatory acts in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products within its powers;

organisation of international cooperation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

exercising other powers under the Constitution of Ukraine and this Law.

Article 11. Powers of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies

  1. The powers of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be as follows:

to ensure shaping and implementing state policies in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

to carry out state administration and regulation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

to develop and adopt regulatory acts under this Law;

to design and approve the state logo for organic products;

to promote the development of the market for organic products;

to ensure maintenance of the Register of Operators, the Register of Organic Seeds and Planting Material and the Register of Certification Bodies, as well as to ensure the transparency and public availability of these registers;

to appeal to the national accreditation body of Ukraine regarding the established facts of violations by the certification body in order for this body to take appropriate measures, provided for by the legislation of Ukraine in the field of accreditation;

to participate in international cooperation on the issues of organic production and circulation of organic products, as well as the implementation of international treaties of Ukraine in this area;

to ensure training and professional development of inspectors for organic production and/or circulation of organic products under the law;

to exercise other powers defined by this Law.

Article 12. Powers of the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. The powers of the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be as follows:

to exercise state supervision (oversight) over the observance by the market entities of organic products of the legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

to appeal to the central executive authority charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, with a written well-reasoned request to consider the exclusion of the certification body from the Register of Certification Bodies or the exclusion of the operator from the Register of Operators;

to participate in the development of regulatory acts in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

to exercise other powers provided by this Law.

Section V

Article 13. Branches of organic production

  1. Branches of organic production include:

organic crop production (including production of seeds and planting material);

organic livestock production (including production of poultry; beekeeping);

organic mushroom production (including organic yeast production);

organic aquaculture;

organic seaweed production;

organic foodstuff production (including organic winemaking);

organic fodder production;

preparation of organic wild plant products.

  1. The procedure (detailed rules) for organic production and circulation of organic productsshall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 14. General requirements for organic production

  1. General requirements for organic production shall be as follows:

separating production and storage of organic products in time or space, including keeping records of such products, from production and storage of non-organic and in-transition products;

using technologies that meet legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

using mainly renewable resources and own resources, including products from waste processing and byproducts of plant and animal origin, provided they meet the requirements on organic production;

using technologies that do not harm human health, plants and animal welfare, prevent or minimise pollution of the environment;

using the minimum necessary amount of food additives, trace elements and processing aids as determined by the legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

using water as an ingredient of organic products that meets the requirements of the legislation regarding drinking water;

prohibition of mixing the same organic and non-organic ingredients in one organic product.

  1. In the process of organic production it is prohibited to use:

any unnatural or uncontrolled impact on the genome of agricultural plants and livestock (including poultry and insects), industrial microorganisms, by way of using for the production of genetically modified organisms and products that contain genetically modified organisms, consist of genetically modified organisms or are made of genetically modified organisms, except using medications for veterinary use, included into the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, in the cases set by this Law;

synthetic substances, including agrochemicals, pesticides, antimicrobial substances for prevention purposes, hormonal drugs, growth-promoting agents and extra fodder for livestock (including poultry and insects);

methods of electric or other stimulation for forcing that are painful for animals, as well as using tranquillizers;

ionising radiation;

hydroponic methods;

using artificially bred polyploid animals and plants;

substances and technological methods of production, the results of which may mislead the consumer about the nature (origin) of the product;

growth stimulators, hormones or similar substances, except using substances included into the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, in cases set by this Law.

  1. The List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, shall be developed and approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

Article 15. Requirements for the production of organic foodstuffs

  1. Requirements for the production of organic foodstuffs shall be as follows:

using mainly biological, mechanical and physical production methods;

using organic ingredients in course of production (added water and cooking salt are not included in the calculation of the percentage of organic ingredients);

taking appropriate measures to avoid contamination with unauthorised substances or products, taking measures for cleaning and disinfection of production equipment and facilities and, if necessary, taking measures for cleaning foodstuffs. The Operator shall record any and all cleaning measures;

keeping records and documenting all operations for the production of organic foodstuffs;

identification of each batch of organic foodstuffs;

the end foodstuffs cannot contain more than one ingredient of agricultural origin produced during the transition period.

  1. Organic foodstuffs shall not include hunting and fishing products from wild fauna.

Article 16. Requirements for organic winemaking

  1. Organic winemaking shall be subject to the requirements set for organic foodstuff production.
  2. An additional requirement regarding organic winemaking is a ban on using technological methods of production as follows:

partial concentration by cooling;

reducing contents of sulphur dioxide by physical processes;

electrodialysis treatment to ensure tartaric stabilisation;

partial dealcoholization;

treatment with cation exchange resins to ensure tartaric stabilisation.

Article 17. Requirements for the organic fodder production

  1. Requirements for the organic fodder production shall be as follows:

production of fodder from organic feed materials, except where organic feed materials are not available on the market. In this case, feed materials used in the production of organic fodder shall not contain the same organic and non-organic ingredients at the same time;

feed materials used in organic production shall not be treated with synthetic solvents;

minimising the use of feed additives and processing aids, except cases when this is necessary to satisfy processing or zootechnical needs or particular nutritional purposes;

using mainly biological, mechanical and physical production methods;

fodder cannot contain more than one ingredient of agricultural origin produced during the transition period;

keeping records and documenting all fodder production operations;

identification of every batch of fodder.

Article 18. Requirements for organic crop production

  1. Requirements for organic crop production shall be as follows:

using for plant protection mainly agrotechnical, biological, mechanical and physical methods, taking into account the respective crop rotations, as well as through choosing the appropriate pest- and disease-resilient crops and varieties;

practice the methods for crop cultivation and treatment that optimise the biological activity of soils, ensure a balanced supply of nutrients to plants, including the use of living microorganisms;

using soil protecting technologies at crop cultivation, that prevent soil erosion or other degradation processes;

using fertilisers, ameliorants, materials of microbial, plant, or animal origin, and other substances that are applied for increasing soil fertility and crop yields, for improving quality of biodegradable plant products, provided that they are included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amounts;

using non-organic plant protection inputs, ameliorants, growth regulators only in the amount and as set by the legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, provided that they are included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amounts;

prohibition to use mineral nitrogen fertilisers;

regular cleaning and disinfection of premises and constructions used for organic crop production by substances authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amounts;

using organic seeds for sewing and organic plant material for planting, except cases set by this Law;

biological control of pests and plant diseases.

  1. Biodynamic preparations are allowed in organic crop production.

Article 19. Requirements for organic livestock production

  1. Requirements for organic livestock production shall be as follows:

1) regarding the origin of animals:

animals must simultaneously meet the following requirements:

they have been born from the animals bred according to the requirements for organic livestock production;

they have been raised by an operator after completion of the transition period;

they have been kept from the moment of their birth according to the requirements for organic livestock production;

non-organic animals are allowed to be brought into the farm exclusively for breeding purposes (such animals and livestock products can be deemed organic only after completion of the transition period);

animals that have been on the farm at the beginning of the transition period and livestock products can be deemed organic after completion of the transition period;

2) regarding the farming:

humane treatment of animals, including minimising their sufferings, and farming animals taking into consideration their developmental, physiological and behavioural needs;

personnel working with animals shall possess the necessary basic knowledge and skills regarding animal’s health and livestock farming;

ensuring permanent access to open-air areas and free exercise for animals in the order and amount determined by the legislation;

the number of livestock shall be limited, taking into account the specifics of preventing excessive damage to vegetation, soil erosion and pollution caused by animals;

tethering or isolation of livestock shall be prohibited unless this is necessary for a limited period of time, and in so far as this is justified for the safety of others, animal well-being or veterinary reasons;

duration of livestock transportation shall be minimised;

3) regarding breeding:

reproduction of animals shall occur naturally, artificial insemination is however allowed;

use of hormones for reproduction purposes shall be prohibited;

cloning and embryo transfer shall be prohibited;

selection of appropriate breeds adapted to the conditions of the animal breeding area, viable and disease-resistant, to prevent animal suffering and need of surgery;

4) regarding feeding:

feeding livestock (including poultry and insects) with organic fodder meeting the animal’s nutritional requirements at the various stages of its development. A part of the ration may contain fodder from the transition period;

permanent access of livestock to pastures or green and roughage feeds (except insects);

force-feeding shall be prohibited;

non-organic feed materials of plant origin, feed materials of animal and mineral origin, feed additives and certain products for feeding livestock used as technological additives may be used, provided that they are included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amounts;

feeding young mammals with natural milk, preferably maternal milk.

The Operator shall have the right to use feeds from the transition period with the consent of the certification body. In this case, it is allowed to use for feeding livestock only those feeds from the transition period that have been produced by the operator him- or herself or in cooperation with other operators;

5) regarding disease prevention and veterinary treatment:

disease prevention shall be based on the selection of appropriate breeds and species adapted to local conditions, viable and disease-resistant, use of husbandry management practices that enhance the immune system and improve natural protection against diseases;

use of high-quality fodder and ensuring exercise, due stocking density per unit area and farming livestock in due sanitary conditions that ensure animal welfare and well-being;

immediate treatment of a disease to prevent animal suffering;

prohibition of the use of chemically-synthesised allopathic veterinary medications and antibiotics, except the cases determined by this Law, to prevent animal suffering;

prohibition to farm livestock in such a way that may encourage anaemia;

the use of immunological veterinary medicines shall be allowed;

means or measures as provided for by the legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, related to the protection of human and animal health in cases defined by this Law shall be allowed;

6) regarding cleaning and disinfection:

regular cleaning and disinfection of premises and constructions using the products included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount.

  1. The livestock on the farm shall be identified. Large mammals are assigned individual identification numbers, poultry and small mammals are assigned either individual or batch identification numbers.
  2. Additional requirements for organic poultry husbandry shall be as follows:

prohibition to farm poultry in cages;

for the waterfowls – ensuring access to a stream, pond, lake or a pool in the order and amount determined by the legislation;

farming poultry in the specially equipped premises;

ensuring the necessary access to open-air areas for at least one-third of the poultry’s life;

preventing the use of intensive poultry rearing methods or the use of fast-growing strains – application of the minimum age at slaughter determined by the legislation.

  1. Additional requirements for organic beekeeping shall be as follows:

using natural materials for making hives that present no risk of contamination to the environment or the beekeeping products;

maintaining bees’ health based on preventive measures;

sufficient area for collecting nectar that will ensure necessary and sufficient nutrition, access to water;

sufficient distance from the apiary site to sources that may lead to contamination of beekeeping products or poor bees’ health;

placing the apiary in areas where it is possible to ensure nectar and pollen sources consisting essentially of plants, including wild plants, which meet legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

using for honeycombs the wax obtained in the process of organic production;

prohibition of clipping the wings of queen bees;

prohibition to kill the bees in honeycombs as a method of beekeeping products harvesting.

Article 20. Requirements for the preparation of organic wild plant products

  1. Requirements for preparation of organic wild plant products shall be as follows:

the preparation of plants and/or parts thereof in their natural environment in the clearly defined territories and areas in the legally determined order, provided that those territories and areas have not, for a period of the last three years, been treated with substances other than those substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

the preparation of plants and/or parts thereof does not affect the stability of the environment and depletion of its resources;

ensuring traceability of wild plant products.

Article 21. Requirements for organic mushroom production

  1. Requirements for organic mushroom production shall be as follows:

using for the production of mushrooms the substrates containing components of plant origin that meet legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

using for the production of mushrooms the substrates of transition period containing components of plant origin shall be carried out with the consent of the certification body;

using for the production of mushrooms the substrates composed of farmyard manure and animal excrements from organic production may be used, provided that they do not exceed 25% of the weight of the substrate total components before composting, exclusive of the covering material and water;

prohibition to use for the production of mushrooms the substrates of peat that has been treated with chemical products not included into the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

prohibition to use for the production of mushrooms the substrates of wood not included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

using for the production of mushrooms the substrates of water and soil, as well as mineral products referred to in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount.

  1. Substrates for organic yeast production should contain at least 95% of organic ingredients of agricultural origin (by weight).

Article 22. Requirements for organic aquaculture and organic seaweed production

  1. Requirements for organic aquaculture shall be as follows:

considering the ability of aquaculture objects to adapt to staying under fully or partially controlled conditions;

using preferably natural reproduction methods;

feeding aquaculture objects with organic feeds, except those species which are not fed with feeds while being reared;

regular cleaning and disinfection of the equipment, pools, reservoirs, premises, and constructions used for aquaculture objects;

using the products for cleaning and disinfection of constructions for farming aquaculture objects in the course of organic production, composed exclusively from substances included into the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for the use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

humane treatment of aquaculture objects, including minimisation of their suffering, as well as farming aquaculture objects taking into consideration their physiological and behavioural needs.

  1. Additional requirements for organic aquaculture shall be as follows:

1) regarding the origin and farming methods:

rearing juveniles originating from the brood stock reared according to the requirements for organic production;

personnel shall possess the basic knowledge and skills regarding the health and due farming of the aquaculture objects;

duration of transportation of aquaculture objects should be minimised and the appropriate farming conditions should be ensured;

2) regarding breeding:

artificial hybridisation, cloning and production of monosex strains, as well as artificial induction of polyploidy shall be prohibited;

ensuring appropriate conditions that meet the species-specific needs, for broodstock management as well as rearing and production of young stock;

3) regarding feeding:

satisfying nutritional needs in a natural way during the production of aquaculture objects (including molluscs) that are not fed with feeds while being reared but fodder on natural plankton, except juveniles reared in hatcheries and nurseries;

in the case of non-organic feed materials of plant origin, feed materials of animal and mineral origin, feed additives, certain products used in animal nutrition and as technological additives, it is allowed to use only substances included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

growth promoters and synthetic aminoacids shall not be used;

4) regarding disease prevention and veterinary treatment:

disease prevention shall be based on farming animals in optimal conditions through the selection of appropriate sites, optimal design of the constructions, as well as by application of good husbandry and management practices, including regular cleaning and disinfection of the constructions and equipment, using high-quality feed, appropriate stocking density, and selection of the relevant species;

immediate treatment of a disease to prevent animal suffering;

prohibition to use chemically-synthesised allopathic veterinary medications and antibiotics, except the cases where the use of phytotherapeutic, homoeopathic or other products is inappropriate;

the use of immunological veterinary medicines shall be allowed;

the use of veterinary medications for the protection of human and animal health in compliance with legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be allowed.

  1. Requirements for the organic seaweed production shall be as follows:

seaweed cultivation in coastal areas not polluted with substances that may not be used in organic production, or with other substances that are harmful to human health;

fertilisers shall not be used except in indoor facilities, and only if they have been authorised for use by legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

collection of wild seaweeds and parts thereof, growing naturally in the sea only in their natural habitat not polluted with substances that may not be used in organic production, and provided that their collection does not affect the sustainability of the environment, existence or maintenance of plant species in the collection area in compliance with the legislation;

biodegradable organic and bacterial fertilisers, preparations, ameliorants, plant growth regulators, materials of microbiological, plant or animal origin and other substances used to increase the yield of seaweeds, improve the quality thereof, shall be used only in the order and amount determined by the Procedure (detailed rules) of organic production and circulation of organic products.

Mineral nitrogen fertilisers shall not be used.

  1. Additional requirements for organic wild seaweed production shall be as follows:

wild seaweeds and/or parts thereof shall be collected in their natural growing areas that are of high ecological quality and have not been treated with substances other than those authorised by the legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, or with substances that are harmful to human health;

preparation of wild seaweed shall not impact on the natural environment stability, the existence or conservation of plant species in the area of collection and depletion of its resources;

ensuring traceability of wild seaweeds.

Article 23. Requirements for the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount

  1. List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, shall consist only of substances (ingredients, components), authorised for use in agriculture, in the following categories:

1) plant protection products;

2) fertilisers and substances for soil stabilisation;

3) non-organic feed materials of plant origin, feed materials of animal and mineral origin, and certain substances used in animal feeding;

4) feed and processing additives;

5) products for cleaning and disinfection of ponds, cages, buildings and constructions used in livestock production;

6) products for cleaning and disinfection of buildings and constructions used in crop production;

7) other substances (ingredients, components).

  1. Substances (ingredients, components) included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, may be used in cases as follows:

1) if the substances (ingredients, components) of plant, animal, microbial or mineral origin are not available in sufficient quantities or of the appropriate quality, or if alternatives of the ingredients necessary to receive the end product are not available;

2) if the biological or physical alternative, methods of selection, cultivation or other efficient farming practices for the protection of plants are not available, the plant protection products may be used for the control of harmful organisms or any diseases;

3) if the products are not of plant, animal, microbial or mineral origin, and are not identical to their natural form, they may be authorised only if the conditions for their use preclude any direct contact with the edible part of the crop;

4) fertilisers and substances for soil stabilisation shall be subject to use if it is essential to obtain or maintain the appropriate level of the soil fertility, or fulfil specific requirements on crops nutrition, as well as to stabilise the soil;

5) use of fodder and feed additives shall be subject to the condition that they are necessary to maintain animal health, animal welfare and vitality and contribute to an appropriate diet fulfilling the physiological and behavioural needs of the species concerned, or if the feeds production will be impossible without these substances;

6) if the feeds of mineral origin, trace elements, vitamins or provitamins of natural origin are not available, chemically well-defined analogic substances may be authorised for use.

Article 24. Exceptions from the requirements for organic production

  1. Exceptions from the general requirements, as well as from the requirements for organic production by the relevant branches, can be applied by the operators with the consent of the certification body in cases set by this Law.

Exceptions shall be kept to a minimum and shall be limited in time, and may be applied in the following cases:

1) to ensure the possibility for the operator to initiate or to maintain organic production in case of restrictions by climatic, geographical or structural conditions; this concerns, in particular, tethering animals, keeping bees for pollinating purposes, as well as for parallel production;

2) to ensure the possibility to use non-organic feed, seeds and planting material, live animals and other agricultural products, in case they are not available on the market in organic form;

3) to ensure the possibility to use non-organic ingredients of agricultural origin, where such ingredients are not available on the market in organic form, provided that they are included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

4) to ensure providing solutions to problems related to farming of the ruminants at the final fattening phase;

5) to ensure the production of organic foodstuffs for dietary purposes. Technological additives, flavourings, microorganisms and enzymes, mineral substances, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids and other micronutrients may be used only if they have been included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount;

6) where temporary measures are necessary in order to maintain the organic production or to initiate it again in case if any force-majeure circumstances emerged due to natural disasters;

7) to ensure the use of food additives and other substances (technological additives, flavourings, microorganisms and enzymes, mineral substances, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids and other micronutrients) or feed additives, provided that they have been included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, and their use is required based on the legislation.

  1. Specific provisions regarding handling the exceptions shall be determined by the Procedure (detailed rules) of organic production and circulation of organic products.

The certification body shall be obliged to inform the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, about every case of granting its consent stipulated by this Law.

  1. In case of using veterinary medications, information about the treatment date, diagnosis and the name of the medication, as well as any other relevant information shall be available to the certification body.
  2. Animals that have been treated shall be clearly identified: individually in the case of large animals; individually, or by batch, or by the hive, in the case of poultry, small animals and bees.

In case an animal receives more than one course of treatment within 12 months, if its reproductive life cycle is less than one year, such animal or production derived from it may not be labelled and sold as organic products. Such livestock shall undergo the transition period.

Livestock that has been treated, and the products derived from such animals, can be labelled as organic only after completion of the clearance period, taking into account legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.

  1. Where a certain ingredient for the production of organic foodstuffs or fodder is not available on the market in its organic form, the certification body shall, upon the operator’s request, in every single case, authorise the use of a non-organic ingredient in the production of organic products, provided that it has been included into the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount, and subject to documentary confirmation by the operator of the necessity to use such ingredient. That being said, the part of the authorised non-organic ingredients shall not exceed 5% (by weight), not including water and cooking salt.
  2. Where seeds and/or planting material are not available on the market in its organic form, the certification body shall, upon the operator’s request, in every single case, authorise the use of non-organic seeds and/or planting material, provided that these have not been treated with any substances other than those authorised by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, and subject to documentary confirmation by the operator of the necessity to use such seeds and/or planting material. To prove the availability of organic seeds and/or planting material on the Ukrainian market, the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies shall maintain the Register of Organic Seeds and Planting Material in the manner established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Data from the Register of Organic Seeds and Planting Material shall be the basis for establishing the fact of availability or unavailability of organic seeds and/or planting material on the market of Ukraine.
  3. Where organic animals are not available on the market, the certification body shall, upon the operator’s request, in every single case, authorise the use of non-organic animals, subject to documentary confirmation by the operator of the necessity to use such animals.
  4. While considering the use of non-organic ingredients, permissible amounts of their use and time of use, the certification bodies shall take into account the possible harm to life and health of humans and animals, the negative impact on the environment; the ability to subject such substances to physical (mechanical, thermal), enzymatic or microbial processes.
  5. The certification bodies shall authorise the operators’ use of non-organic ingredients, animals, seeds and/or planting material in the production process following the Procedure for certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 25. Requirements for organic production during the transition period

  1. During the transition period the operator shall comply with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products. Operators may not place the in-transition products on the market as organic.
  2. The starting date of the transition period shall be the date of signing a certification agreement between the operator and the certification body. The duration of the transition period shall be determined for each organic production branch. Based on the results of the first operator’s inspection by the certification body, this date can be reconsidered depending on the organic production branch, taking into consideration the operator’s husbandry practices, use of ingredients and components authorised by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, which shall be confirmed by the relevant documents.
  3. Regarding organic crop production, in the case of non-perennial crops, the transition period for the respective land plots shall be at least 24 months before sowing; in the case of perennial crops (except forage), the transition period shall be at least 36 months before the first harvest of organic products. In the case of hayfields and pasture fields for the production of organic feeds as well as the land plots for production of perennial forages, the transition period shall be at least 24 months before the first harvest of organic products.
  4. The certification body may decide to recognise retroactively the date of transition period start (but not exceeding 18 months for fallow fields and 30 months for perennial crops) for the land plots, which were neither treated during the previous 36 months (fallow fields and perennial crops) nor contaminated with the substances other than those authorised by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.
  5. The transition period for the production of organic seeds and planting material shall be as follows: one vegetative period for non-perennial crops reproduction and two vegetative periods for perennial crops reproduction.
  6. According to the decision of the certification body, crop products produced during the transition period may be labelled with the indication “products under transition to organic production”, provided that:

the transition period shall last for over 12 months;

the product shall contain only one ingredient of plant origin;

the indication shall appear in colour, size and style of lettering which is similar to the other description of the product.

Organic feed materials, or feed materials from production in transition, shall not enter simultaneously with the same feed materials produced by non-organic means into the composition of the organic feed product.

  1. For organic aquaculture, the transition period for aquaculture facilities that cannot be drained, cleaned and disinfected, shall be 24 months; for facilities that have been drained or fallowed, the transition period shall be 12 months; for facilities that have been drained, cleaned and disinfected, the transition period shall be 6 months.

The certification body may decide to recognise retroactively the starting date of the transition period if from that date the aquaculture facilities were not treated with substances other than those authorised by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.

The transition period for seaweed harvesting areas shall be 6 months.

The transition period for seaweed cultivation cannot be less than 6 months or one complete production cycle.

  1. The transition period for livestock production cannot be less than 12 months in the case of equidae and ruminants, including antelope and bison species for meat production, and in any case at least three-quarters of their lifetime; six months in the case of small ruminants and pigs and animals for milk production; 10 weeks for poultry for meat production brought into the farm before they are three days old; six weeks in the case of poultry for egg production.

The transition period for livestock production can be reduced, but not more than by 24 months, provided that transition to organic production is undertaken by the whole production facility of the farm (livestock, their offspring, pasture fields and other land used to obtain animal feed).

  1. The transition period for beekeeping products cannot be less than 12 months. During the transition period, the wax obtained in the process of organic production shall be used.

Article 26. Requirements for parallel and simultaneous production

  1. An operator may, with the consent of a certification body, as an exception, carry out parallel production in the same area. Provided that requirements set in this part are met, parallel production of the following products shall be allowed:

seeds and planting material;

perennial crops which cannot be easily differentiated, and which require a cultivation period of more than three years;

using organic and non-organic pasture fields exclusively for grazing;

organic and non-organic crops or animals of the same species exclusively for research and educational purposes.

  1. In the case of parallel production, the operator shall provide the certification body with documentary evidence of compliance with the provisions of this article, as well as to ensure that:

the appropriate measures for the permanent separation of organic and non-organic products, the separation of organic and non-organic animals are taken;

manure and fodder are separated;

production equipment for technological operations with organic products is cleaned;

the certification body is informed on the quantity of produced organic products and products of the transition period, as well as on the non-organic products;

the certification body is informed on harvesting not later than two working days before the beginning of harvesting;

the certification body is informed on any transfer or sale of animals, livestock products;

the certification body is informed on the harvested crop, raised animals and livestock products, and of the measures applied to separate the organic and non-organic products.

Specific provisions regarding carrying out parallel production shell be set in the Procedure (detailed rules) of organic production and circulation of organic products.

  1. The certification body may authorise simultaneous production of organic and non-organic livestock if the following requirements are met by the operator and documentary evidence thereof is provided:

organic livestock shall be raised and kept separately from non-organic livestock;

organic and non-organic animals kept in the farm shall belong to different species;

Simultaneous grazing of common pasture lands intended for non-organic animals, by organic and non-organic animals shall be permitted only provided that:

animals are properly separated in space;

the pasture lands have not been treated with substances other than those authorised by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, for at least three years.

The pasture lands grazed by organic livestock shall not be used for simultaneous grazing by organic and non-organic animals. During the period of transhumance, organic animals may graze on non-organic pasture lands, provided that the total consumption of such non-organic fodder does not exceed 10% of the total feed ration per year (calculated as a percentage of the dry matter of feeds).

  1. The certification body may authorise simultaneous organic and non-organic production of aquaculture objects, provided there is clear physical separation between them, and where different production phases and different farming periods are involved. The certification body may permit hatcheries and nurseries to rear simultaneously both organic and non-organic juveniles of aquaculture objects, provided there is clear physical separation between the units and a separate water distribution system exists.

Section VI

Article 27. Certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products

  1. Organic production and/or circulation of organic products in Ukraine is subject to certification. Certification is not required for transfer, storage and sale of the labelled organic products by:

mass catering facilities;

business entities engaged in retail trade.

Certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products shall be carried out with a mandatory annual on-the-spot inspection by the certification body with the view to verify compliance of the production process and circulation of the products with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.

If the certification body discovers non-compliance of organic production and/or circulation of organic products with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products that can be eliminated by the operator, the certification body shall set the term for the operator to take all possible measures to eliminate such non-compliance.

Payment for carrying out certification services by the certification bodies shall be carried out on a contractual basis.

The certification bodies shall issue the certificates confirming that the process of production and circulation of products complies with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.

  1. A person willing to move to organic production or be involved in the circulation of organic products may choose any certification body and conclude a certification agreement with this body. The person may conclude the certification agreement only with one certification body within the relevant branch of organic production and circulation of organic products. In case of certification of organic production under the rules and standards recognised in foreign states or international organisations, the person shall have the right to conclude an additional agreement with a foreign certification body.
  2. The certification process shall start from the date of signing the certification agreement between the certification body and the person. In the course of certification, based on the results of the inspection and determining compliance of all stages of production and circulation of organic products with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, the certification body shall approve a reasoned decision regarding issuing or refusing to issue the certificate. The certificate shall be issued based on the certification body’s decision to issue it.

The reasons for refusal to issue the certificate shall be as follows:

where the inspection has determined non-compliance of any stage of production or circulation of organic products with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

where unreliability of information submitted to confirm compliance with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products has been discovered.

It is prohibited to refuse to issue the certificate based on the reasons not stipulated by this Article.

The certificate shall be issued to the operator if compliance with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products regarding the certain branch of this field has been verified.

  1. The certificate shall be valid for 15 months from the date of its issue. The certificate shall contain the information as follows:

name, first name and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur/name of a legal entity;

code according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations (for legal entities) or taxpayer’s account card registration number (for individuals);

branch (branches) of organic production and/or circulation of organic products;

determination of product status (organic/transition period) and range;

date of certificate issue; its validity date;

information about the issuing certification body.

The procedure for issuing the certificate and its copy, as well as its form, shall be determined by the Procedure for certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products.

  1. The certification body shall have the right to suspend or withdraw the certificate.

The reasons for the suspension of the certificate shall be as follows:

violation by the operator of the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, identified by the certification body;

failure to pass an annual announced or unannounced inspection of the operator’s facilities;

operator’s failure to ensure free access to its facilities, as well as failure to provide upon the certification body’s request the documents necessary for the inspection, including access to financial documents;

address of the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, with the information about the operator’s violation of legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

Provided that the operator has eliminated the violations that have led to the withdrawal of the certificate, the certification body shall take a decision regarding the certificate renewal.

The grounds for certificate revocation shall be:

operator’s failure to conclude the certification agreement with the new certification body within 30 days from the date of dissolution of the certification agreement between the certification body and the operator with which it previously had concluded the certification agreement;

operator’s failure to conclude the certification agreement with the new certification body within 30 days from the date of exclusion of the certification body, with which it had concluded the certification agreement, from the Register of Certification Bodies;

failure to eliminate the violations that have led to the withdrawal of the certificate, within the term determined by the certification body or by the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, while this term cannot be less than 30 days;

operator’s application regarding withdrawal of his or her certificate;

failure to pass an annual announced or unannounced inspection of the operators’ facilities.

If the certification body has been excluded from the Register of Certification Bodies, withdrawal of the certificates issued by this body shall be performed by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

  1. The person that has concluded the certification agreement with a certification body, becomes an operator and is included by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, to the Register of Operators within 10 days after the latter receives the respective information from the certification body.

Exclusion of the operator from the Register of Operators shall be performed by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, upon the request of the certification body, not later than on the next working day from the date of receiving the respective request.

Article 28. Requirements for the certification body and its functions

  1. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies shall include into the Register of Certification Bodies an enterprise, institution, organisation or a unit thereof, subject to the following:

1) it has been accredited in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies” in the field of organic production and/or circulation of products in one or some of the branches as follows:

organic crop production (including production of seeds and planting material);

organic livestock production (including production of poultry; beekeeping);

preparing organic wild plant products.

organic mushroom production (including organic yeast production);

organic aquaculture;

organic seaweed production;

organic foodstuff production (including organic winemaking);

organic fodder production;

2) it is a legal entity registered under the legislation of Ukraine;

3) it is not an operator;

4) it has the facilities and resources, as well as other infrastructure objects, necessary to perform functions regarding certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products;

5) it can demonstrate due expertise of its staff regarding certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products (working experience and special knowledge in the respective branch of organic production);

6) it has at least one inspector for the relevant base of organic production and/or circulation of organic products, working permanently.

Requirements for facilities, resources and other infrastructure objects, necessary to perform functions regarding certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products, shall be determined by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

  1. An enterprise, institution, organisation or a unit thereof claiming to be included in the Register of Certification Bodies shall submit to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies an application for inclusion into the Register in the form prescribed by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

The application shall be accompanied by:

a copy of the accreditation certificate;

a copy of the registration certificate of the enterprise, institution, organisation or a unit thereof;

a copy of the statute of the enterprise, institution, organisation or a unit thereof;

the list of employees and the documents confirming the expertise level of the personnel in the field of certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products.

The exclusive reasons for the refusal of entry into the Register of Certification Bodies shall be as follows:

non-conformity of the enterprise, institution, organisation or a unit thereof to the requirements set by this article;

identifying the unreliable data in the submitted documents.

The decision regarding entry or refusal of entry into the Register of Certification Bodies shall be approved by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, within 10 days after the date of receiving the documents mentioned in this article.

  1. The certification body shall be obliged to submit to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies the list of employees and information on confirmation of the expertise level of its personnel in the field of certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products, every year before 31 December.
  2. Certification body:

shall carry out certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products under the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

within five days from the date of issuing the certificate or approving the relevant decision regarding suspension or withdrawal of certificates, shall inform the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies and the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, in writing, about issuance, suspension and withdrawal of certificates under this Law.

shall report annually to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, and the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality about the issued certificates, in the order established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies;

shall perform other functions stipulated by this Law.

  1. The certification body shall be excluded from the Register of Certification Bodies based on the decision of the central executive authority shaping and implementing state agricultural policies in cases as follows:

where the certification body has applied for its exclusion from the Register of Certification Bodies at its own discretion;

repeated violation committed within a year of the order of certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products that resulted in unjustified issuance of the certificate;

suspension or withdrawal of the accreditation certificate;

noncompliance of the certification body with the requirements set out by this Law.

  1. If the certification body is excluded from the Register of certification bodies, it shall immediately notify the operators with whom it has concluded certification agreements. Certificates issued by such certification body shall remain in force until the end of the validity period stated in the certificate, and the operator shall retain its previous production status, but not longer than the certificate validity period, unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.
  2. The decision of the certification body may be appealed to the certification body, and then to the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality. The procedure for consideration of the appeals against the certification bodies’ decisions shall be determined by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

Article 29. Recognition of certificates confirming organic production and/or circulation of organic products in accordance with the legislation other than the legislation of Ukraine

  1. A certificate confirming production and/or circulation of organic products under the legislation other than Ukrainian, shall be recognised in Ukraine with the view to import or export of such products, provided that it has been issued by the foreign certification body included in the List of foreign certification bodies.
  2. To include a foreign certification body into the List of foreign certification bodies, an importer or exporter shall submit an application to the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, in no particular format, about the inclusion of the foreign certification body into the List of foreign certification bodies, including the information as follows:

name of the foreign certification body’s state of residence;

accreditation confirmation of the foreign certification body in the respective branch of organic production and/or circulation of organic products by the accreditation body of the foreign state which is a party to international or regional agreements on accreditation recognition;

name of the authority that controls the foreign certification body;

  1. An importer or an exporter may export or import on a tacit agreement basis if within 10 working days after their application to include the foreign certification body into the List of foreign certification bodies, the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality has not approved a decision to refuse inclusion of the foreign certification body into the List of foreign certification bodies. The exclusive reason to refuse inclusion of the foreign certification body into the List of foreign certification bodies shall be the provision of unreliable or incomplete information stipulated in part two of this article.
  2. The List of foreign certification bodies shall be maintained by the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, in the order established by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

Article 30. Requirements for the inspector on organic production and/or circulation of organic products

  1. The inspector on organic production and/or circulation of organic products shall be permanently employed by the certification body and shall inspect the production and circulation of organic products.
  2. The inspector on organic production and/or circulation of organic products can be an individual who:

1) has at least the first (bachelor degree) level of education in the field of agricultural sciences, at least three years of working experience in the agricultural sector and/or in the food (processing) industry, and possesses special knowledge in the field of organic production;

2) has the first (bachelor degree) level of education, at least five years of working experience in an agricultural sector and/or in the food or processing industry, and possesses special knowledge in the field of organic production.

  1. The inspector on organic production and/or circulation of organic products cannot be an individual who works as a public servant, is in the labour and/or civil law relations with operators and/or executive authorities in charge of state administration and regulation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.
  2. The special knowledge of the inspector on organic production and/or circulation of organic products in the field of organic production shall be confirmed following the procedureestablished by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

Article 31. General requirements for registers

  1. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies shall ensure the electronic maintenance and shall be the keeper of the Register of Operators, Register of Certification Bodies and Register of Organic Seeds and Planting Material (hereinafter referred to as the Registers). The procedurefor maintaining registers shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
  2. The central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies shall ensure uninterrupted, 24-hour and free access to the data contained in the above-mentioned registers, on its official website. Data contained in such registers:

shall have the status of official information of the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies;

shall not require any additional confirmation by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies;

may be used by any persons, state authorities and local governments.

Section VII

Article 32. Requirements for storage of organic products

  1. During storage of unpacked organic products, it is necessary to ensure registration and identification of such products and/or their every batch as organic products, and prevent their mixing with non-organic products, including in-transition products, and/or pollutants.
  2. During the production of organic products, it is prohibited to store any non-organic substances together with organic products, except substances authorised by the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.
  3. Specific provisions for the storage of certain types of organic products shall be determined by the Procedure (detailed rules) of organic production and circulation of organic products.

Article 33. Requirements for transport of organic products

  1. Unpacked organic products shall only be transported in a sealed package, container or vehicles closed so as to make it impossible to open it without damaging the seal. A package, container or vehicle shall be sealed by the operator. When sealing, the operator shall make the respective mark in the consignment note, stating information as follows:

names and addresses of the operator (or product owner);

names of organic products and (if necessary) description thereof;

names and/or registration code of the certification body that certified the organic production;

identification of a batch (if necessary).

  1. Simultaneous transport of unpacked organic and non-organic products, including in-transition products, shall be allowed only provided that appropriate measures have been taken that make it impossible for the organic products to be mixed with the non-organic ones. Vehicles and/or containers previously used for transporting non-organic products can be used to transport unpacked organic products if appropriate cleaning measures have been taken before the start of transportation of unpacked organic products. The operator shall record these operations.
  2. Specific provisions for the transport of certain types of organic products shall be determined by the Procedure (detailed rules) of organic production and circulation of organic products.

Article 34. Requirements for labelling of organic products

  1. Products that are being put into circulation and sold as organic products, shall be labelled according to legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.
  2. The product may be labelled organic, if it has been produced following legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, and contains at least 95% organic ingredients of agricultural origin (by weight, not including water and cooking salt), and not more than 5% (by weight) of non-organic ingredients, included in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount. Organic production of such a product shall be confirmed by a certificate.
  3. When labelling non-organic products, the list of ingredients of the product may include organically produced ingredients only if their content is more than 2%. In this case, the list of ingredients shall contain the percentage of organically produced ingredients (by weight, not including water and cooking salt) of the total quantity of the ingredients. This being said, information about such ingredients shall appear in the same font colour and size that the rest of the information in the List of substances (ingredients, components) authorised for use in organic production, and which are allowed to be used in the maximum permissible amount.
  4. Organic products that are being put into circulation and sold, shall be labelled with the state label for organic products, except cases stipulated by this article.

The necessary element of labelling an organic product shall be its code number placed under the state organic product logo and containing:

an acronym that identifies the country of origin;

the inscription “organic”;

the registration code of the certification body that has certified organic production.

When labelling organic products under the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, it is allowed to additionally use other logos introduced by the operators involved in the production and sale of organic products, or by their associations, if such logos are not forbidden by law.

  1. It is prohibited to label with the state organic logo the agricultural products that have not been organically produced, or the in-transition products, as well as to label these products using any marks and inscriptions such as “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural” and/or any words that are their cognates and/or derived from them with prefixes “bio-”, “eco-”, etc. in any language.
  2. Advertising any non-organic product as organic, including the use of the inscription “organic product” in product names and trademarks, shall be regarded as unfair advertising.
  3. Products brought for sale on the customs territory of Ukraine, which are accompanied by the respective certificate confirming organic production and/or circulation of such products in the country of origin, shall be recognised in Ukraine as organic products, and the inscriptions on the original labels such as “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural” and/or any words that are their cognates and/or derived from them with prefixes “bio-”, “eco-”, etc., shall be labelled in Ukrainian with the inscription “органічний продукт” (“organic product”).

The state logo for organic products shall be placed exclusively on the products produced under the legislation of Ukraine in the field of production, circulation and labelling of organic products, which is confirmed by the certificate that certifies that the production process and circulation of the products comply with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.

  1. Business entities shall have the right to place eco-labelling on the products and feeds solely if such products have been organically produced.
  2. Labelling of organic products shall be subject to the written consent of the certification body whose registration code is stated on the labelling. Such consent shall be granted free of charge.
  3. Specific provisions for labelling certain types of organic products shall be determined by the Procedure (detailed rules) of organic production and circulation of organic products.
  4. Labelling with the state organic logo of products that have not been organically produced, as well as use for labelling such products any marks and inscriptions such as “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural” and/or any words that are their cognates and/or derived from them with prefixes “bio-”, “eco-”, etc. in any language shall mean a deception of buyers or customers. Such products shall be recalled under the law.

Article 35. Requirements for sale of organic products

  1. Organic products may be sold by any business entities only provided the availability of the respective certificate (copy thereof) issued to the operator that has produced the respective products, and the appropriate labelling in compliance with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.
  2. When accepting such products for sale, entities that sell organic products shall ensure availability of the certificate issued to the operator certifying compliance of the production process and circulation of the products to legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products. Entities that sell organic products labelled organic without the respective certificate (copy thereof) shall be held responsible under this Law.
  3. The products labelled organic but not complying with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be recalled from sale as organic. Such products may be sold as non-organic, provided that labelling has been rectified.

Article 36. Requirements for declaring the amounts of organic products being put into circulation

  1. The organic products that are being put into circulation shall be declared on a mandatory basis.

The declarations regarding the amounts of organic products that are being put into circulation shall be submitted by the operators to the certification bodies. The operators shall be held responsible for the integrity and reliability of data stated in the declaration regarding the amount of the organic products that are being released into circulation, under this Law.

  1. The certification bodies shall submit to the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, and to the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies, the summary of materials regarding the amounts of the organic products put into circulation by the operators with which the certification bodies have concluded the certification agreement.

The certification bodies shall be held responsible for the integrity and reliability of the data stated in the summary regarding the amounts of the organic products put into circulation by the operators with which the certification bodies have concluded the certification agreement.

  1. The procedure for and frequency of declaring and submission of summaries regarding the amounts of the organic products put into circulation shall be determined by the central executive authority in charge of shaping and implementing state agricultural policies.

Article 37. Requirements for importing organic products into the customs territory of Ukraine or exporting organic products from the customs territory of Ukraine

  1. For the products imported into the customs territory of Ukraine or exported therefrom as organic, in the customs declaration it shall be indicated near the code of the Ukrainian Classification of Goods of Foreign Economic Activitythat these goods are organic products.
  2. Certified organic products imported into the customs territory of Ukraine, shall be accompanied by:

a copy of the relevant certificate that confirms organic production and/or circulation of such organic products in the country of origin, issued by the foreign certification body included in the List of foreign certification bodies;

a copy of the certificate that confirms compliance of circulation of such organic products with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, issued by the certification body.

  1. Products certified as organic under the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, which are exported from the customs territory of Ukraine, shall be accompanied by a copy of the certificate that confirms compliance of circulation of such organic products with legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, issued by the certification body.
  2. Products, certified as organic under the legislation other than the legislation of Ukraine, shall be accompanied by a copy of the certificate that confirms organic production and/or circulation of these organic products, issued by the foreign certification body included in the List of foreign certification bodies.

Section VIII

Article 38. State supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. State supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products of the operators’ activities shall be exercised by the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality, under the Law of Ukraine“On State Oversight of Compliance with the Legislation on Foodstuff, Fodder, Animal By-Products, Animal Health and Welfare”, and regarding the certification bodies’ activities it shall be exercised under the Law of Ukraine“On the Main Principles of State Supervision (Oversight) in the Area of Commercial Activity” taking into account the provisions of this Law.
  2. State supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be exercised by way of carrying out scheduled and unscheduled measures:

monitoring of organic products on the market to prevent non-organic products with organic labelling from entering the market;

inspection of the certification bodies’ activities;

selective inspection of the operators’ activities.

  1. If the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality discovers non-compliance of organic production and circulation of organic products with the legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, an order shall be issued to the operator with a request to eliminate the violations of legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, and the respective notification shall be sent to the certification body. The operator shall take appropriate measures to eliminate such violation within the term set by the central executive authority implementing state policies in the field of safety and certain indicators of foodstuff quality.

Article 39. Powers of the officials in charge of the state supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. Officials in charge of the state supervision (oversight) in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, with the view to fulfil tasks assigned to them, within the scope of their powers, shall be entitled to:

freely visit the objects under inspection, receive the information and documents required to perform state supervision (oversight), samples of raw materials and other materials, as well as final products for carrying out laboratory research;

issue orders with a request to eliminate the violations of legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

issue executive acts (regulations, decisions) regarding recall or withdrawal of the products not complying with requirements of the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, if such products bear the state organic logo or marks and inscriptions such as “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural” and/or any words that are their cognates and/or derived from them with prefixes “bio-”, “eco-” etc. in any language.

Section IX

Article 40. Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. Operators shall be held responsible for the violations as follows:

1) failure to comply or timely comply with legal requirements (orders, executive acts) regarding the elimination of the violations of legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products –

shall result in the imposition of a fine: on legal entities in the amount of eight minimum wages; on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of five minimum wages;

2) failure to submit or timely submit information regarding the amounts of organic products being put into circulation, or submission of unreliable information thereof, –

shall result in the imposition of a fine: on legal entities in the amount of five minimum wages; on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of three minimum wages;

3) labelling of products with the state organic logo, or labelling these products using the marks and inscriptions “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural” and/or any words that are their cognates and/or derived from them with prefixes “bio-”, “eco-”, etc. in any language, in the absence of the certificate confirming compliance of the production process and circulation of the products with the legal requirements on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products, –

shall result in the imposition of a fine: on legal entities in the amount of eight minimum wages; on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of five minimum wages.

  1. Certification bodies shall be held responsible for the violations as follows:

1) failure to comply or timely comply with legal requirements (orders, executive acts) regarding the elimination of the violations of legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products –

shall result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of eight minimum wages;

2) failure to submit or timely submit information stipulated by this Law or report about the certificates issued by them, or submission of unreliable information or report –

shall result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of five minimum wages;

3) violation of the requirements of this Law regarding certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products that resulted in unlawful issuance of the certificate, –

shall result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of sixteen minimum wages;

4) repeated violation of the requirements of this Law regarding certification of organic production and/or circulation of organic products that resulted in unlawful issuance of the certificate, –

shall result in the imposition of a fine in the amount of twenty-four minimum wages.

  1. Persons that sell products labelled as organic shall be held responsible for the violations as follows:

1) putting into circulation or selling the products without the certificate that certifies conformity of the production process and/or circulation of the products to legal requirements in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products or to legal requirements of the origin country of such products, –

shall result in the imposition of a fine: on legal entities in the amount of eight minimum wages; on individual entrepreneurs in the amount of five minimum wages.

Article 41. Proceedings in the cases concerning violations of the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. Proceedings in the cases concerning violation of the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products by the operators, certification bodies and persons that sell products labelled organic, shall be performed under the provisions of Article 66 of the Law of Ukraine“On State Oversight of Compliance with the Legislation on Foodstuff, Fodder, Animal By-Products, Animal Health and Welfare”.

Section X

Article 42. International cooperation of Ukraine in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products

  1. International cooperation of Ukraine in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products shall be implemented by way of:

participating in the work of relevant international organisations;

concluding international agreements, inclusive of bilateral agreements on mutual recognition in the field of organic production;

harmonisation of the national regulatory acts in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products with the rules and standards of the respective international organisations;

adapting Ukrainian legislation in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products to the relevant European Union legislation;

information exchange in the field of organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products;

fostering mobilisation of international technical assistance and investments for establishment and development of organic production and circulation of organic products;

fostering the development of export and import of organic products.

  1. If an international treaty of Ukraine ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes other regulations than those stipulated by this Law, the regulations of the international treaty shall apply.

Section XI

  1. Within six months after this Law is enacted, the enterprises, institutions, organisations, or the units thereof, which operated for the day of its enactment on the territory of Ukraine as conformity assessment bodies following the Law of Ukraine“On Production and Circulation of Organic Agricultural Products and Raw Materials”, or as certification bodies following the rules and standards recognised in the foreign states or international organisations (hereinafter referred to as “the entities”), shall be included into the Register of Certification Bodies based on their application. Such entities shall be withdrawn from the Register of Certification Bodies in case of violation by them of requirements of this Law, except the provisions of Parts 1–3, Article 28 of this Law. Exclusion of the entities from the Register of Certification Bodies based on their non-conformity to the requirements of Parts 1–3, Article 28 of this Law shall be allowed after the expiry of a six-month period during which the above-mentioned entities had to be included in the Register of Certification Bodies.
  2. Establish that:

1) until 1 July 2024, business entities that are not operators in accordance with this Law, shall be entitled to sell agricultural products as organic and to use the inscription “organic product” in product names and trademarks, and use the marks and inscriptions “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, “natural” and/or any words that are their cognates and/or derived from them with prefixes “bio-”, “eco-”, if they have a valid certificate certifying the production and/or circulation of organic products in accordance with legislation other than the legislation of Ukraine, issued by a foreign certification body;

2) until 1 July 2024, for the purposes of the Law of Ukraine “On State Support for Agriculture of Ukraine”, the operators and business entities referred to in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph shall be deemed as producers of organic agricultural products.

3) until 1 January 2024, the certification body may reduce the duration of the transition period provided for by this Law for the business entity under its control as a foreign certification body by the period during which such a business entity has been engaged in organic production in the relevant branch in accordance with the legislation of the European Union.

Section XII

  1. This Law shall enter into force from the next day after its publication and shall be enacted after one year from the date of its entry into force, except clause 4of this Section that shall be enacted from the day this Law enters into force.
  2. From the day this Law is enacted, the Law of Ukraine“On Production and Circulation of Organic Agricultural Products and Raw Materials” (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (BVR), 2014, Nos. 20–21, Article 721; 2015, No. 21, Article 133) shall be considered null and void.
  3. To amend the following Laws of Ukraine:

{Subclause 1, clause 3 of Section XII “Final Provisions” has been deleted by virtue of Law No. 2740-VIII of 06.06.2019}

2) Part 1, Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Oversight of Compliance with the Legislation on Foodstuff, Fodder, Animal By-Products, Animal Health and Welfare” (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (BVR), 2017, No. 31, Article 343) shall be supplemented with the following sentence: “This Law shall also cover social relations associated with the state supervision over the market operators’ activities involved in organic production and/or circulation of organic products, including import (sending) into the customs territory of Ukraine, with the view to ensure compliance of this activity with the legislation on foodstuffs and fodder, animal health and welfare, as well as with the legislation on organic production, circulation and labelling of organic products.”

  1. With the view to ensure appropriate conditions for enforcement of this Law, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall take measures to harmonise regulatory acts with this Law, provided that they are entered into force simultaneously with the enactment of this Law, by way of:

1) harmonisation of its regulatory acts with this Law, and adoption of regulatory acts provided for by this Law;

2) ensuring that the Ministries and other central executive authorities harmonise their respective regulatory acts with this Law and adopt the regulatory acts provided for by this Law;

3) ensuring that the Register of Operators, Register of Certification Bodies, Register of Organic Seeds and Planting Material, as well as the List of Foreign Certification Bodies provided for by this Law function by the date this Law is enacted.

President of UkraineP. POROSHENKO
City of Kyiv
10 July 2018
No. 2496-VIII